Jan 05, 2019
Studio 1, CCDC Dance Centre

Jan 05, 2019
Studio 1, CCDC Dance Centre
Tickets NOW available at URBTIX
Credit Card & Internet Booking: 2111 5999 / www.urbtix.hk
Ticketing Enquiries: 3761 6661
Programme Enquiries: 2329 7803
10% discount
Paid Members of Fringe Club, Club Bravo Member of Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Member of Energy Fun Club Plus of Chung Ying Theatre Company, Friends of The Hong Kong Ballet, Friends of Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Friends of Hong Kong Dance Company (Classic + Prestige), HKREP Pals, Zuni’s Friends, Members of Hong Kong Dance Alliance, HKIFF Cine Fan Patron, Classic and Student Privilege Cardholders, Members of E-Side Dance Company, Members of Yat Po Singers, Friends of POP Theatre, CASH Members
20% discount
Holders of CCDC Dance Card and Kids Card, Members of APA Alumni Association, Members of the Federation of HKPU Alumni Associations, CityU Alumni Card and Alumni Credit Cardholders, Members of Hong Kong Arts Administrators’ Association, Members of RTHK Programme Staff Union, Modern Dance Friends of GMDC
30% discount
Dance Inspirations Card Holder
50% discount
Full time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance recipients
60% discount
Student Dance Inspirations Card Holder
New choreography mixed bill Four emerging CCDC artists
A showcase for CCDC dancers to express their choreographic talent, the acclaimed Dancers’ Homework returns in 2019 with exciting new works!
Generation Beta by Shirley LOK
“The old things have come to an end; they have truly become new.” (II Corinthians 5:17)
Bodies can be repaired
Thoughts can be tampered
Memories can be copied
What does it mean to be human in the age of digital disruption?
Maybe… it is time to unplug and go back to nature to seek guidance?
Shirley Lok questions how technological development changes our bodies and mind, shaping a completely new set of social norms and values.
Voyage by Ivan CHAN
People and traffic goes back and forth in the city, unceasing
Wicked kids, rotten souls, unbridled lust
In between motion and stillness
In search of floating hints
Extracted from and inspired by everyday life, Ivan Chan depicts the absurdity of our lives and desires.
Zen by LEE Ka-ki
We are anxious to survive
The turmoil of everyday busy life
Hurry here and there, to meet with people who don’t really care
When is it going to be changed?
Listen to your own voice and step out of your own pace
Surrounded by overwhelming noises and happenings, Lee Ka-ki re-examines his own pace and see a way out of the chaotic world.
Terry-fy by Terry TSANG
They are everywhere
Long, frizzy, matted
Winding around
On the street, in the house, all over me
Terry Tsang exposes his fear of hairy objects in this dance solo.
The Artists
Ivan CHAN, LEE Ka-ki, Shirley LOK, Terry TSANG
Lighting Design
Original Music, Live Performance and Sound Design
LEUNG Po-wing